How do you get 200-size power from a 120-size engine? O.S. calls it the FS155-a. Since the FS155-a is a pumped 4-stroke, you’ll enjoy 2.6 hp at all times, regardless of tank position, attitude or fuel level. With its novel recirculation system, oil is re-circulated to lubricate working parts — reducing friction and wear as well as cowl cleanup. Includes the 70R regulating carb for superior throttle response and precise fuel metering.
Prop Range 16 x 8 - 17 x 12
Muffler Weight 95g
RPM Range 2,000 - 10,000 rpm
Displacement 1.548 cu in (25.36 cc)
Engine (Only) Weight 805g
Bore 1.32 in (33.6 mm)
Power Type Glow
Plug Type Type F glow plug
Stroke 1.13 in (28.6 mm)