Smart håndterminal til at programmere Immersion TrampHV videosendere uden at der skal være strøm på videosenderen.
ImmersionRC's unique 'TNR Wand'. An invaluable tool for programming TrampHV Video Transmitters via touch-free NFC.
Just as at home programming a few quads for a blast around the local park, or being an integral part of a major race event.
The wand is capable of reading and writing the frequency, and power level of a Tramp HV without powering up the quad.
Race locking, in conjunction with pit mode eliminate accidental power-ons at race events. Quads may be safely powered up at any time, and transmit on a race-director defined frequency (or not at all).
Powered by two easy-to-find AAA cells.
Includes USB port for future firmware updates.
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